Sunday, June 3, 2018

Getting Through A PMP Audit

By Anna Clark

When a person gets up in the morning, the first thing they do is shut off their alarm. The alarm is there to make sure that they actually get up. Now, most people have to get up in the morning because they all have to get to work to earn a salary. Some people who work do not have that much responsibility. Higher ups may stress how important each job is, but at the end of the day, some people are just easily replaceable cogs in a machine. But a project manager is not a replaceable cog. A project manager is the person who makes sure that things gets done, who keeps all the cogs going. But, every now and then, the governing body that gave a project manager recognition will have to step in and make sure that said professional is living up to their standards, which is when a PMP audit is initiated.

Now, to receive certification, they must be tested. To qualify for the test, most people will need to graduate from high school and have a degree that proves it. People who graduate from trade school will also need to have a degree. In both cases, they will need thousands of hours of experience beforehand. Someone who has a college degree, on the other hand, can get by with significantly fewer hours of experience. However, in all cases, a person needs at least thirty five hours of time in a classroom.

An audit is a review. It is a check to make sure that a person did not misrepresent themselves. It is one thing to lie in a job interview. It is another entirely to falsify records.

Now, for certain bodies, particularly those that certify professionals, assessments can be random. In fact, for the PMI, the audit is random. No malice or forethought to a particular individual goes into making a decision as to who get audited next.

There is a tendency to be indignant of to panic whenever the credentials of a person are put into question. However, in the case of an audit, there is no need to do either. Since the audits are supposed to be random, there was no ill intent involved. In fact, the only thing that should be done is to comply with all the requirements as quickly as possible.

There is not a lot to expect during an appraisal. The majority of people will just receive a notice that one has started. Most notices come with a list of materials to be submitted.

Failing an appraisal can be easy. All a person has to do to lose PMP certification is to not comply, to do nothing during the ninety days which they are given to comply. The other way to fail is to be dishonest, to have misrepresented educational and professional experience.

Passing is simple enough. All one has to do is forward educational records. Records of work experience should be corroborated by a supervisor before being submitted.

People need to work. An individual needs a job in order to buy food. But the people in those jobs should be qualified for them.

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