Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Many Sellers Like To Use Color Coding Dot Stickers For Their Wares

By Frank Stone

There is a new lifestyle trend that working adults are taking advantage of and its gaining steam quickly. Although personal service apps are popular, some individuals like to keep their tasks simple by dealing with people they know. Friends, family, and good acquaintances are the right people to help out around the house when it needs serious cleaning. Although this seems like a terrible thing to ask from someone a person cares about, there are many ways to make this fun. One is to serve good food and keep plenty of supplies, like color coding dot stickers or a system that keeps track of progress.

Depending on the size of the home, or how much cleaning is needed, it often helps to plan early. Normally, this should only take a few hours. However, someone has hoarding tendencies, breaking out with an assembly style system may be the best course of action.

Once they establish what they want to sell, they can pick up items online, at thrift stores or yard sales. This is where new sellers can get the lowest prices and be notified about upcoming deals. Online forums and periodicals are great for finding leads to good places that sell at cheap prices.

While it costs little to nothing to list an item online, this should not be done blindly. In other words, do not just create a listing with an image or two and a general description on a high traffic site. Lists of online sellers can be found for free and taking the time to learn about what sells the fastest where will certainly pay off.

People looking for artsy or precious items are not the same as those looking for cheap trinkets. It helps to locate at least two sites that carry similar inventory and the others may be labeled as possible prospects if these seem appealing. If the seller lives in a metropolitan area, they may want to check out local consignment shops.

Although no one has to be a professional marketer to sell online, it helps to learn about image tagging, relevant keywords, and sales writing early on. There are many online courses that will teach this at low or no cost and the curriculum is updated regularly. Having the basic knowledge will place anyone ahead of the competition who may just go with a picture and a short blurb.

A labeling system is best for items that can be sold or given away. Most people do major cleaning sessions for this reason or to participate in a yard sale. If there is a party guest that cannot do any hard labor, they might be the right person to sort and label as needed.

Sometimes, these home parties are just a good reason to get together for laughs or to help someone who has been too busy to clean their home regularly. This is something that friends or family members can do for one another on a rotating basis. While the food and cleaning products may seem to cost a lot, it is probably less than hiring a stranger that may take longer to accomplish the same tasks.

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