Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Benefits Of Hiring A Professional Bed Bug Exterminator Columbus Ohio

By Sally Delacruz

Once bed bugs have invaded a home, it can be an uphill task to remove them. They are very good at hiding in small crevices where they breed by laying eggs. These eggs can hardly be seen as they are tiny and hidden between mattresses, couches and chairs. These places are difficult to reach and in most cases it ends up to be a waste of efforts when you search for the physical presence of the eggs. But for easy and efficient eradication of such pests, it is advisable that you contact a professional bed bug exterminator Columbus Ohio

Some people do not realize they have bed bug infestation in their homes until they get bites on the body that were not there the night before. The skin turns reddish and rises slightly at the point of the bite. The bite causes the skin to itch due to anti-coagulant and painkilling saliva that the insect injects into the blood veins. The liquid numbs the bitten area of the skin such that one feels nothing during injection and sucking of blood. They are attracted to humans through detection of carbon dioxide emission, secondarily by warmth and other chemicals excreted by the body while sweating.

You will realize that they make a series of bites along the blood veins of the individual. This occurs mostly because of the disruption of the host while sleeping. Immediately after they feed on your blood, they then gets back to their hiding places and therefore, they are very difficult to control and suppress on your own.

During the initial stages of infestation, the bites are minimal-once per week or thrice. But when the bites increase to almost three bites a day, then the pests have bred into hundreds in your house, and each wants to take a bite.

Contacting a professional who is experienced in pest control can help identify unsuspecting areas where these pests hide; seams of mattresses, bottom edges of box springs, behind headboards and framed pictures, under dressers or nightstands, inside drawers and in closet corners. The pests are known to assemble in a large number beneath and at the edges of the carpet, behind wall open wall switches or beneath objects placed on the floor for long.

Their waste is easier to spot than the pests themselves. Thus one may find black spots on most of their common hiding places where they have excreted. Other signs of their presence include dead bugs and their tiny eggs. A competent exterminator can help you in identifying all possible hiding places and eradicate them through various mutually agreeable options.

One of the common means of eradication includes use of professional grade pesticide that kill all adult bed bugs in their dwelling places as well as their eggs and larvae. Pesticides sold to common customers are not effective enough as those used by professionals. Low odor sprays and dust pesticides are also used to treat the entire home. These pesticides are well tested and proven to be effective in complete pest eradication.

Some pesticides are hazardous and require safe usage in some areas like kitchen, bedroom, drawers and cloth lines. Professional exterminators are well trained in safe and effective application of the chemicals. Thus you should not ignore their services and take matters to your own hands especially in a sensitive area of the house.

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