Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Maintaining An Inground Fiberglass Pools

By Mattie MacDonald

Most of the people today to love to have a swimming pool in their home, so that they can dip in there whenever they like to. However, they are having a hard time choosing what material will they consider, either a vinyl, concrete or fiberglass. Fiberglass had been the favorite material for many homeowners for many years. There have been many reasons why this material has become popular with many.

One main reason is that, it is easier to maintain. Inground fiberglass pools became popular because of this reason. You will have to lesser expenses and guaranteed its cleanliness and maintenance. Here are a few tips to help you take care of it.

You need to get rid of the debris and leaves that may possibly gather in the place. For homeowners that has many matures green and trees near the pool will usually experience this problem. When you keep it neglected it will result to a very unhygienic water that may not be pleasing and inviting to many. A regular cleaning session should be arranged. You may use a pole and a skimming net or a leaf vacuum in cleaning it.

Using harsh products for cleaning is highly discouraged. They can harm and damage the fiberglass and that will require a costly repair. The product will also change the chemical balances in the water. Pick a product for cleaning that are specifically developed for fiberglass. Using brushes with stiff bristles are discouraged since they will leave traces of unwanted scratches on the wall.

Stains may also occur in the pool, this is due to the changes in the level of the metals that could be present. A stain that appears to be reddish brown means that the level of the iron is high. If it will appear in bluish green, that means that the copper level is high. And if it is gray the magnesium level is high. To prevent imbalanced metal, you need to have a chelating agent, that you will be using for every 2 weeks.

You have to turn on the pool filter once the swimming session is done. This will help you to collect the debris that is mixed there while in use. Run the filter for about six to eight hours everyday, so it can circulate well. And it will help in keeping the chemicals balanced well.

It is also important that the water in the pool will maintain its balance. A regular inspection should be done. It has an ideal pH level, and that is about at least seven point two and at most seven point six. The alkaline level should also be taken care of, it should be at least a hundred to a hundred fifty parts per million. And lastly, the chlorine level should be at least three parts per million.

Swimming pools are supposed to be used during a specific time. You also need to buy a solar cover that will help in keeping out debris and dirt. It will help you reduce the work for maintenance. And it will also greatly help in keeping its right temperature.

One should really take care and maintain it for it will look more beautiful if it is clean. It will be more inviting and relaxing place to swim. A clean one will make everyone happy and not to mention, it will be the greatest asset in your home.

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