Saturday, July 18, 2015

DIY Tile Cleaning Fast And Simple

By Phyllis Schroeder

No one would want a dirty bathroom. Its unsanitary and unhealthy to be in that sort of environment. With a quick trip to the store you can do all it by yourself. No need to shell out for expensive professional cleaners to do it. Save time and money and just tackle the project yourself.

You can choose between chemical free options and the harsher types of cleansers. When you need tile cleaning Chandler you have many options to choose from. The amount of dirt or stains to remove is the determining factor on how strong a cleanser you would need.

If the stains are not so tough, you can try making your own all natural cleaning agent. Vinegar and baking soda are very popular with the DIY community because they have so many uses and they are affordable. You can get them at any grocery store. You make a paste and scrub the stains. The results will be cleaner tiles with zero use of chemicals.

The grouting is the part of the tiles that is hard to clean. They are made of a porous material so dirt and dust easily get caught and cause it to discolor. Covering the grout in a sealant will lessen stain absorption. If you spill something sticky, as much as possible try to get it cleaned up quickly. You don't want the stickiness to be absorbed because it will be tough to remove if you let it harden.

Another popular item for cleaning is bleach. When handled correctly, bleach can remove almost any stain and keep your floors good as new. It can be bought at any grocery store. It is very affordable and you can get a lot of use from one bottle of bleach because you just have to mix a little bit with a liter of water and it is still effective and good for cleaning.

Proper ventilation is important when you are cleaning. You don't want to trap the smells of chemicals inside because this can cause you harm. Open the doors and windows and cover your nose. Do not let children use chemicals when cleaning.

Research the material your tile is made of. You don't want to ruin it by using a mixture or solution that could ruin your tiles. That may end up costing you more than having a professional cleaner do the job.

Whether you use chemical free natural liquids or the stronger industrial grade type items, be aware of the safety guidelines. Always keep it out of your eyes. Use rubber gloves so your skin will not be irritated. A mask will protect your nose and face. Its better to be safe and take all the extra precautions because chemicals can do a lot of damage to your body.

Cleaning is a chore. There are ways to make it easier on yourself. Try to sweep or mop over the tiles once a day. Dont let dust settle because it will be harder to remove later on. You can make it a daily exercise to wipe over the counters and floors. It will keep your place looking shiny and new. Keeping your environment clean will be healthier for you too.

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