Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Live Healthy Carry Out Radon Testing In Your Home

By April Briggs

Radioactive is a gas that is dangerous to human health as it is associated with cancer. The gas which is mainly found in homes and other residential areas is said to have uranium component. This component mainly results from breakdowns of soils and rocks naturally beneath the ground. This uranium is soluble and easily mixes with water which eventually ends up in our homes. Home owners should frequently do radon testing to ensure the safety of their children and also themselves.

In common man description, radon is a dangerous element in the air that can cause cancer when taken in for long period of time. One is not able to see, taste or even smell this chemical even though it is present in your home. Radon basically escapes from the ground up to the air and finally gets into homes through small opening in your house or cracks on the foundation.

Experts or medical doctors have issued an ultimatum saying that this element is one of the leading causes of lung cancer in united state. If someone is a smoker and their home has this radon then they are at a higher risk of contracting cancerous cells.

This gas was discovered way back in the year one thousand eight hundred and ninety nine by a physicist known as Rutherford. This element is colorless and does not react with other chemicals so it is an inert gas. This gas is known to be the heaviest of all other gases and is denser than air by nine times.

Radon is not reactive and this makes it less noticeable, it is the heaviest gas known and its density is greater than that of air. It exist as an atom and this makes it permeable to almost all materials like plastics, paper, leather, gypsum boards, most paint, concrete block, wooden panel, mortars and other insulation materials.

When the property you are purchasing is not tested, make sure you test it before you move in. And those people who are building their homes, there are several features that can be incorporated to minimize radon levels.

Almost each and every home in united state has uranium gas but it differs from one homestead to the other according to ventilation system available. There are two approaches to testing if your home has uranium. The first is hiring a professional or certified radon to carry out test on your house at a fee and the second one is carrying out the test yourself by acquisition of a test kit.

The third step is opening your radon kit, this kit should consist of few test vials but this depends entirely on manufacturer, kit should also have information card, an envelope to use when sending the gas to a nearby laboratory and information of laboratory analysis payment.

Find a convenient place to carry out your test. This should be a place where you much of your time but one should avoid bathrooms and kitchen. Next stage is putting in place your vials. Then removing vial caps from test vials for some time then close the vials after twelve hours have elapsed. Finally send your vials to the laboratory and wait for results.

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