Saturday, November 11, 2017

Why Customers Choose Between Restaurant Booths And Tables

By Jennifer Gibson

There are some basic reasons customers differ in their preference for seating when they are dining out. Patrons choose between restaurant booths and tables for various reasons. When entering most dining establishments folks are greeted and asked whether they prefer a booth or table. On average, customers typically choose a booth. More often than not, folks will wait for a booth to be available.

Folks will wait until a booth is ready even when there is an available table for their immediate service. People who like a booth instead of a table have specific reasons that often vary between customers. It is very important to consider the customer and their preferences when designing an establishment and laying out the seating.

The cost of buying a booth is usually more than buying a table however it is well worth the price when it pleases the customer. Pleasing the customer is vital to the success of a restaurant. If the customer is not comfortable they will not return. When you understand why folks prefer various types of seating it is easier to choose seating that has what the customer wants.

Some people prefer sitting at a table rather than a booth. For that reason, it is important to have variety in seating options. When customers have a seating choice they are more satisfied and will be comfortable dining in your establishment. It is important that the owner of the eatery knows why people prefer a booth over a table.

Likewise, it is important that they also understand why people choose table seating. Just like booth seating, there are many customers who are more comfortable at a table for a variety of reasons. Preferring a table can have to do with a persons height. For instance, shorter people often are not comfortable in a booth because their feet do not touch the floor when they sit.

Regardless of the type of establishment folks are dining, a lot of them prefer privacy at meal time. A booth can offer privacy especially when one side of the table is against the wall with the remaining side for seating. Also, when the back of the bench is high it provides added privacy. The other patrons can not see the people in the booth and a high back reduces the noise from the other guests and the staff.

The bench seat of the booth is more comfortable for customers than a chair. Benches tend to be soft and padded and chairs are usually constructed of metal or wood and have not as much padding. A bench is typically sturdier than a chair and offers more support. It gives the diner a larger seating space. In a chair, the individual is limited by the area that the chair provides.

Booth seating provides the luxury of less traffic while dining because they are usually up against a wall. Tables are typically in the center of the room and allow traffic around the four sides. A booth is much cozier and intimate. They offer roomy seating, less noise, more comfort, and privacy.

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