Monday, January 20, 2014

Forensic Accounting In Law Enforcement

By Hedrick Lepsch

In films you always see the Special Forces FBI agents portrayed as handsome, leading men, while the computer geeks stay inside with their glasses and their calculators computing how much time there is until the end of the world. As you might have guessed, this is not really the case in real life. Those computer geeks are actually forensic accountants, trained to track numbers to bust criminals for stealing enormous sums of money.

The Special Forces agents may be the ones physically busting the criminals, but they wouldn't know who to bust if it weren't for the forensic accountants tracing the numbers and the money. Becoming one of these agents isn't easy, but is worth it in the end. Today, the forensic accounting team makes up 15 percent of the FBI agents, and here's how you can become one of them.

One of the worst mistakes a party planner can make is assuming that the guests will instantly want to mingle and talk with one another. Remember, people are coming to your party from their busy lives and might need some help relaxing once they arrive. So plan some activities. Whether you choose some simple party games or sophisticated wine tasting, make sure you provide ways to engage the guests and get them talking to one another.

Often seen as one of the most difficult parts of party planning, what to serve your guests is completely up to you. That being said, make sure you think ahead before making the decision.

Bezos wrote up the plans for while making a cross-country drive from New York to Seattle. He literally started the company in his garage and left his high paying job at a New York hedge fund when he learned about the increased growth in Internet use.

Now that you are a truly certified public accountant and have a degree in forensic accounting, it's time to become a certified forensic accountant by taking either the Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) exam or the American College of Forensic Examiners International (ACFEI).

Now that you have passed all of these exams, you can list all of your degrees, titles, and experience on a comprehensive resume that you will give to as many potential employers as possible. Hopefully at this point you have honed your skills as both an accountant and a researcher.

Throughout your education, try to make as many contacts as possible within the realm you are pursuing. This way you will have more people to contact when you are trying to get a job or even an internship.

One of the great things about parties is that each person throws one differently. And by sticking to these guidelines, you can avoid many of the headaches that often come with party planning and focus on making it unique and fun for everyone.For those looking to make a career out of throwing parties, look into event planning training in Cheyenne to develop the skills needed to become a professional party planner.

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