Thursday, April 6, 2017

See How Personal Accountability Leads To Execution With A San Francisco Bay Area Counselor

By Michael Cabunoc

Do you feel as if your job is 40 (or worse, more) hours a week of pointless make-work? If you do, then the person you have most to blame is yourself. Not because you can change your work environment or the attitude of your boss - the most common reason for hating your job and feeling unfulfilled is not an evil boss (although they certainly exist) but you being in the wrong place.

You should probably work with a trusted San Francisco Bay Area career counselor. It is not possible to get your career out of a rut if you don't assume some accountability and start becoming more aware of the strengths you possess. You can work with a career coach to see why your is making your so miserable and to decide whether you should change something about your current job or start shopping around for a new position.

Furthermore, one of the reasons why our lives and jobs can feel like unfulfilling make-work is that we have no control. Taking control of your life and realizing that you can both reduce and improve your circumstances can reduce stress in and of itself.

Some people can achieve this without a career coach, but hiring one will make it much easier. Also, Bob helps people get jobs, build resumes, and create careers - your coach can help you with practical matters such as improving your resume and practicing your interview techniques (If interviews scare you, you are not alone, and learning confidence will help a lot).

A seasoned coach can assist you in setting life and personal goals that you're capable of achieving. Rather than setting goals that you have no power to control (I am going to get a better job before September), these professionals assist in the setting of smart and feasible goals, such as determining how many resumes you will submit or rewriting your resume.

If you think that your job sucks and you want more control in your life - you can get help from a career coach to regain a sense of accountability and start improving your life quality.

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